Sunday, September 28, 2008

Pumpkin Heaven

A few weeks/months back, I had to put AWAY Brendan's Halloween books because he LOVES them, and wanted to read them OVER & OVER. I had to at least hide them so we weren't preparing for Fall/Halloween in the middle of our heat roast here. SO...I hid them away, he found ANOTHER Halloween book we've been reading until I finally succumbed yesterday, and brought out all of the fall decorations, along w/ the hidden Halloween books. The video doesn't do justice, but we've read each of the new Halloween books @ least four times today, and he's been RUNNING around the house, playing with the decorations, declaring, "pumpkin! ghost! pinecones! (in our fall leaves), pumpkins" and has been carrying his little monogrammed trick-or-treat pumpkin from Grandma Laura that he'll get to break in this year (at least a little). SO...still a month to go, we have to figure out what he's going to be, but we're in FULL Halloween/Fall swing @ this house!! :)

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