Wednesday, January 28, 2009


I am officially outnumbered by TESTOSTERONE in my own house. Check out the BOYS tonight....little man escaped after his bath and just HAD to play WII w/ Daddy, absolutely deaf to my pleas for a non-naked event!

Fun w/ Grammie, Grampie & Auntie!

Another smattering of pix from our last, fun-filled week! Thanks Grammie, Grampie & Auntie for making the trip and for the great times together!!

Happy 2nd B'day Brendan!!!!

Just a few snapshots from a VERY fun day. WIPED him out and fun was had by all!! You'll note the shirt ~ actually has "2" for his b'day, along w/ Rocket & Leo from his much-adored Little Einsteins! :)

Happy B'day B!!

On Top of Old SMOKEY...

Monday, January 5, 2009

Orange Picker!

When Mommy got to go out for coffee and Mommy-time on Sunday, B was NOT a happy boy. Crying and running after me certainly makes me feel wanted & loved, but sometimes a little space is nice too! :) When Daddy played the, "want to go out back and help pick oranges?", B snuffled twice, turned OFF the alligator tears and perked, "umm hmmm!" The proof is in the pudding ~ a marvelous time was had by all (including Mommy who got to sip her pumpkin spice latte), and we're able to enjoy the fruits of their labor on a daily basis! Yeah boys! Enjoy a peek @ the fun!

The Littlest Firemen

Friday, January 2, 2009


Overheard as B stuck his head in as Scott finished getting dressed:


Note: Scott was pulling on a Milwaukee Brewer's long-sleeved tee, so who KNOWS what sparked that, but little man was in AWE! :)