Friday, October 31, 2008

Trick or Treat!

B's first trick-or-treating experience was nothing short of a BLAST. He toddled/ran around the block which was farther than we'd planned, but he was getting his toes wet w/ the whole, "knock on door, say trick-or-treat, then walk away" thing, so it took a bit of practice (e.g. he quit trying to go IN people's houses!) and we figured hey, let him wear himself out! Our "last" stop was OUR house so you could get a peek of him in costume, with the pumpkin. too cute! he loved all the decorations @ the houses, referring to several as "spookables" (from his fav Halloween movie) and surprisingly didn't get scared apart from the last house we visited. He repeatedly gave away candy as he was meandering between neighbors, got to hold hands w/ two older neighbor girls & joined them for a few houses...we couldn't have asked for a better night all around! :) We ended the evening w/ a little "It's a Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown" before we convinced Superman to retire! :) ENJOY & Happy Halloween!

For Grampie...

Dear Grampie,
I know how much you love dandelions, so I pick them at the park & do my best to further propagate the species. I thought you might want to see me hard at work.


Thursday, October 30, 2008

Leading up to the Big Day...

We've been waiting for Halloween...oh, so patiently.

B got to go to a "trunk or treat" with Grandma & Daddy with Cousin Baby J, where he also met up with Batman. We also carved up a few pumpkins to prepare for the big day!

Friday, October 24, 2008


Overheard on the monitor this a.m. while I was getting ready & letting him chat to himself:

"Mommy Hi. Good morning hi. Mommy? Mommy! Good morning! Good morning hi!"

Waking up & getting ready to that happy little voice (and he wakes up like that 99 days out of 100) is quite possibly one of my favorite things of ALL time!

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Bologna? BOLOGNA!!!

The things we learn @ daycare never cease to amaze.

Today, I asked little man what he wanted for lunch. The adamant and very definitive response caught me totally unawares: "BOLOGNA." NOTE: I've probably not eaten bologna in twenty years, since I had ketchup & bologna sandwiches with my Dad. Yuck. (sorry Dad)! B has cultivated his liking for bologna @ daycare, apparently. I was tempted to call her and inquire what KIND she bought, so I'd buy the appropriate kind for his palate, but thought better of such a call. We ventured to the store to buy said bologna, and when asked by the deli man if we wanted a sample, I passed it over to him, to which he promptly piped, "THANKS!" HA ~ will talk for bologna, AND use his manners, apparently! Normally, he'll only sign thanks, under duress, but this was unequivocal! :) The joys of a 21 mo. old! :)

Tuesday, October 21, 2008


9 days and counting? Less than the time since I last posted an entry. :( Sorry! Needless to say, we found the Halloween costume. He's going to a "truck-or-treat" festival w/ Grandma on Friday night to test-drive the costume, then will partake in the Halloween Parade @ my old school the morning of Halloween, followed by a few houses of trick-or-treating on the block!! :)

Friday, October 10, 2008