Friday, October 31, 2008

Trick or Treat!

B's first trick-or-treating experience was nothing short of a BLAST. He toddled/ran around the block which was farther than we'd planned, but he was getting his toes wet w/ the whole, "knock on door, say trick-or-treat, then walk away" thing, so it took a bit of practice (e.g. he quit trying to go IN people's houses!) and we figured hey, let him wear himself out! Our "last" stop was OUR house so you could get a peek of him in costume, with the pumpkin. too cute! he loved all the decorations @ the houses, referring to several as "spookables" (from his fav Halloween movie) and surprisingly didn't get scared apart from the last house we visited. He repeatedly gave away candy as he was meandering between neighbors, got to hold hands w/ two older neighbor girls & joined them for a few houses...we couldn't have asked for a better night all around! :) We ended the evening w/ a little "It's a Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown" before we convinced Superman to retire! :) ENJOY & Happy Halloween!

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