I officially admit that I can no longer keep track of his chattering. The words per day, if I miss a day of blogging, are too many to keep track of in my head before I make it to the keyboard!! :) That's apparent on the video I've attached ~ on video, with him live & captive, I couldn't even remember them all to get him to SAY them!! :) Some very recent acquisitions in the word department include:
Today's Words:
*He actually woke up from his marathon nap this afternoon & was content just playing in his crib. When I went in he was still just lying, relaxing, so I started to tickle him, and after several tickle attacks, he actually said, "please tickle!" and kept signing please & nodding his head because he wanted MORE tickling!! :)
Then words from the time since I've last blogged:
Ziti (you can guess what he had for dinner)
Milk AND Please (now says both, doesn't just sign)
...to name a few. I know there are more...my brain capacity just won't go there right now! :)
This weekend was a good one, in spite of the fact that it's still in the hundred+ degree heat. We went to the train park yesterday, and he got to play on the playground equipment before riding both on the train & carousel when they opened!
Yesterday afternoon, he shocked the stripes off of us when he said (and with his whole body made the shape) "circle" (sounds more like stirkel in his language), then proceeded to find several circles around the house. After being introduced to the concept of oval vs. circle, he also was showing us appropriate oval vs. circle shapes. Insane. Didn't see that coming, or the fact that he also knows and will show you a star shape either!
We also had several (albeit brief) car rides and he got to play with his little friend, Ben, today, which required a 3 1/2 hour nap this afternoon to recover! :)
He also got a haircut (awhile in the coming!), so there are a few questionable spots, but he looks much more presentable.
The curls to which we bid adieu:
Locks shed:
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