Sunday, September 28, 2008
Potty Update
Today was his 3rd successful attempt to actually make a contribution in the potty! Yeah B!
Pumpkin Heaven
A few weeks/months back, I had to put AWAY Brendan's Halloween books because he LOVES them, and wanted to read them OVER & OVER. I had to at least hide them so we weren't preparing for Fall/Halloween in the middle of our heat roast here. SO...I hid them away, he found ANOTHER Halloween book we've been reading until I finally succumbed yesterday, and brought out all of the fall decorations, along w/ the hidden Halloween books. The video doesn't do justice, but we've read each of the new Halloween books @ least four times today, and he's been RUNNING around the house, playing with the decorations, declaring, "pumpkin! ghost! pinecones! (in our fall leaves), pumpkins" and has been carrying his little monogrammed trick-or-treat pumpkin from Grandma Laura that he'll get to break in this year (at least a little). SO...still a month to go, we have to figure out what he's going to be, but we're in FULL Halloween/Fall swing @ this house!! :)
fun with silverware!
I love the tippy toes in this little helper when we were getting ready for dinner. :)
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Video, Take III
OK...third video. It started off as an attempt at capturing his memory reading, which you get a glimpse of, but it needs to be better planned in the future...anyway, it's a glimpse, but then turned into him coloring and chatting. Of the three to ignore, I almost contemplated NOT including this, so feel free to ignore this, but if you want another Brendan snippet, you have it! This will give Auntie M viewing pleasure for a FEW days @ this point! :)
Chatter II
I am not going to post all (3) new videos in the same blog entry because Blogger MIGHT have a breakdown. It doesn't like the format the videos are in, or the memory, or length or here's the (2nd) video, titled Chatter II, since that's all it is, really, by popular request from Auntie M., who loved the first one. I tried to recall his newer additions to the vocab bin, so there should be some words you've not heard yet!! :)
Past Due!
OK, apparently, we're overdue for a video update. By popular request, I'm adding not ONE, not TWO, but THREE videos (yah, prob. overkill, I know!) for your viewing pleasure! Our schedule is a little screwed up this weekend...after he didn't get to bed 'til a few min. before 9 last night after getting to view his horsey pals, he woke up last this a.m., then indulged in a 3 1/2 hour nap this afternoon, so he got to bed late tonight too. WHICH means we're probably in for a late a.m. tomorrow; NOT good as we need to be at the babysitter's by 8! Glad that he got Mommy's sleeping genes, though. :)
Sunday, September 14, 2008
The Little Protege
He makes us laugh. All the time. I had a candle open house this weekend, so of course, one of his new words is "candle." Even funnier is his new discovery, and this just as I type, of a holder I got at our last team meeting, a pinecone looking contraption w/ a votive holder. Perfect for MY son, the pinecone guru, who now also says "pinecone" and is contenting himself playing w/ the votive, the little votive holder, and taking them all in & out of the pinecone very happily. :) One of Sandra Boynton's books, "Blue Hat, Green Hat" has had him in stitches all weekend...we'll try to get a video but he giggles & shrieks w/ glee when reading it, and read it four consecutive times w/ Scott the other night before bed. :) He's also been on a fruit kick, particularly with apples of late. He's already eaten two bananas & one apple today. :)
Other new-ish words:
snuggy (for his "snuggy blanky"
fire duck
there are others...will add them later.
cheers for now!
Other new-ish words:
snuggy (for his "snuggy blanky"
fire duck
there are others...will add them later.
cheers for now!
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
More Words...
The vernacular of the baby has now spread to include:
please (peez)
candle (if you can believe that one!)
quesadilla (which he calls 'dee-yah')
tortilla ('tee-yah')
fire truck....just to name a few.
I, however, just looked @ the clock & realized what time it is, so no more musings on his chatterings, I've got to sleep! :)
please (peez)
candle (if you can believe that one!)
quesadilla (which he calls 'dee-yah')
tortilla ('tee-yah')
fire truck....just to name a few.
I, however, just looked @ the clock & realized what time it is, so no more musings on his chatterings, I've got to sleep! :)
Sunday, September 7, 2008
I officially admit that I can no longer keep track of his chattering. The words per day, if I miss a day of blogging, are too many to keep track of in my head before I make it to the keyboard!! :) That's apparent on the video I've attached ~ on video, with him live & captive, I couldn't even remember them all to get him to SAY them!! :) Some very recent acquisitions in the word department include:
Today's Words:
*He actually woke up from his marathon nap this afternoon & was content just playing in his crib. When I went in he was still just lying, relaxing, so I started to tickle him, and after several tickle attacks, he actually said, "please tickle!" and kept signing please & nodding his head because he wanted MORE tickling!! :)
Then words from the time since I've last blogged:
Ziti (you can guess what he had for dinner)
Milk AND Please (now says both, doesn't just sign)
People name a few. I know there are brain capacity just won't go there right now! :)
This weekend was a good one, in spite of the fact that it's still in the hundred+ degree heat. We went to the train park yesterday, and he got to play on the playground equipment before riding both on the train & carousel when they opened!
Yesterday afternoon, he shocked the stripes off of us when he said (and with his whole body made the shape) "circle" (sounds more like stirkel in his language), then proceeded to find several circles around the house. After being introduced to the concept of oval vs. circle, he also was showing us appropriate oval vs. circle shapes. Insane. Didn't see that coming, or the fact that he also knows and will show you a star shape either!
We also had several (albeit brief) car rides and he got to play with his little friend, Ben, today, which required a 3 1/2 hour nap this afternoon to recover! :)
He also got a haircut (awhile in the coming!), so there are a few questionable spots, but he looks much more presentable.
The curls to which we bid adieu:
Locks shed:
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
Our Walking Dictionary
Each day, the words that pop out of his mouth amaze me. I am just trying to keep TRACK of them, to keep a running record here, but know I've neglected to list some SOMEWHERE along the way!
Here's a list for today thus far:
We were at the mall this a.m. to play on the indoor play area for a change, and he went wandering out and into the mall...I asked him if he wanted to go see the "puppy" store, so we wandered over to the pet store. Good vocab practice and he was eagerly pointing out ALL the puppies, but heartbreaking to see sad dogs who deserve to not be cooped up! :(
Yesterday's Words:
He's asleep now, so we have a brief respite from NEW words, but I'm sure there will be more to come! He seems to have his Mama's gift for gab! :)
Here's a list for today thus far:
We were at the mall this a.m. to play on the indoor play area for a change, and he went wandering out and into the mall...I asked him if he wanted to go see the "puppy" store, so we wandered over to the pet store. Good vocab practice and he was eagerly pointing out ALL the puppies, but heartbreaking to see sad dogs who deserve to not be cooped up! :(
Yesterday's Words:
He's asleep now, so we have a brief respite from NEW words, but I'm sure there will be more to come! He seems to have his Mama's gift for gab! :)
Monday, September 1, 2008
The Royal Potty

Per one of my recent posts, we did buy him a potty this weekend, after much debate. He has, a few times, said the appropriate word when he did something in his diapers, is curious about going to the bathroom and dirty diapers, etc. SO, I decided that we could at least get the potty to have for him here to look at, talk about, as he nears "readiness"...
We opened the box yesterday. Within 15 min. of it being open, he wanted to sit on and try the potty, so we took his diapers off. Hey ~ can't hurt, right? He sat on it, figured out how to position himself, etc. Then, he squatted down next to it for a bit, got back up, walked around it and I realized there was a puddle on the floor. He had peed, RIGHT on the floor next to the potty!!! I felt slightly relieved after battling with the "Do we, don't we" potty debate.
Today, we got back from the zoo, and he said, "potty" and ran toward the bathroom. After sitting on it, getting off, sitting on it, getting off, he crouched next to it and peed right on the floor. SO...we're CLOSE...literally & figuratively! At least it's easy to clean up (floors can always use a washing/mopping) and he's at least aware!!
A Day @ The Zoo...
B has gone to the zoo several times, but Scott has been hankering after another visit, especially given his recognition & vocab for so many more animals, now! SO, we headed this a.m., a perfect activity for a holiday a.m., as it's starting to cool down and there weren't many people there!! Little did we expect his vocab to include the word "baboon" after today, but that quickly became his favorite word!!! Take a peek...
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