Sunday, June 21, 2009

Father's Day Follies...

Who knew that toddlers didn't keep secrets really well?? ;) I wondered if we would actually MAKE it to today w/ the surprise intact, and we normally would have, had I not strayed from our routine last night.

As B is "reading" lots of things now (actually just memorizing & reciting), when I ran across a book, "I Love You Daddy" about a month ago, I couldn't resist buying it to pre-read w/ B, in hopes that he could "read" it to his Daddy today.

Last night, S got to put little man to bed since I was out...and that's where everything fell apart. :) S was snuggling B in the big red chair, talking about today being Father's Day, when B says, "Oh. Have surprise for you for Father's Day. Have I Love You book hidden right under here." Figured as much!! :) S reported that he didn't let B unearth it from our hiding spot, but enjoyed "reading" it with him several times today.

Hey ~ it's the thought that counts, right?!!

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