Saturday, November 15, 2008


I feel kind of strange blogging about this, but I'm too excited NOT to!!! Over the course of the last week, potty training has taken a notch UP towards the big leagues...I didn't mention it last weekend, on the outside chance that it was a fluke, but last weekend he contributed his first solid matter to the potty. THAT was a big first, and he's peed occasionally this week (usually right before bed time he asks to go). Then, this afternoon, he said, "Mommy, potty", so we dropped what we were doing, ran to the bathroom, and it was the first time I've seen him pee a STEADY stream, and he'd taken off a completely diaper to do so. THEN, as is common as we're putting on his jammies, "potty, potty." I always feel a LITTLE frustrated because I wonder if it's a stall technique, but after tonight, I'll never question again! :) He said he wanted to go on the little potty, so he hopped on & proceeded to pee a steady stream, not very much. THEN, he hopped on the big potty and did BOTH!!!!! We'd just CHANGED a poopy diaper, so I didn't even think he might have more stored up, but sure enough...made both contributions as I cheered him on!!!!!!!!! Yeah little man!!!!!!

1 comment:

Christina said...

Woohoo! Way to go, B!