I am excited for the Holidays, don't get me wrong. But the more I look @ this picture (and others like it that will NOT be released 'til closer to Christmas [sorry Grammie]), the MORE and MORE excited I get.
Last night, well, the wee hours of this a.m. (3 a.m. to be exact), I was in B's room after a rough time coughing. After tiptoeing in to close his window, thinking he was asleep, I was greeted with, "Good morning Mama!" Mind you, this is 3 a.m. And he was totally perky. Crumbs ~ I guess karma has a way of coming back to bite us, doesn't it? Anyway, after picking him up to snuggle & get him back to sleep, he was in my arms, HIS arms outstretched in question pose (make THAT one part of your next yoga routine, yoga auntie M), saying, "OUTSIDE?! NOISE?! OUTSIDE? MEN! ROOF! NOISE!" Haha ~ it didn't occur to me 'til I was better rested that perhaps he was thinking about Santa, as we've been reading Elmo's Night Before Xmas book? There definitely WEREN'T men (or noises) on the roof @ 3 a.m., but perhaps this little Xmas hat has gone to his head...."who knows?!"