Friday, August 29, 2008


Recently, he's acquiring anywhere from 1-3 words/day. It's remarkable & I would not have believed it had I not seen it with my own eyes. Among recent words added are: "step, body, duck boots, sippy", etc. One BIG addition is the reason for the title: "STOP"!!! We've been looking @ stop signs and have a little (albeit not the best pix/quality) of him practicing his recent vocab below, then more of a story afterwards!

SO...brief replications of "STOP," which, as you can imagine, makes car rides QUITE entertaining!! :) My puzzlement came, however, at CostCo yesterday, as we're in the diaper aisle and he's shrieking, "STOP! STOP!" HA ~ not exactly what you want your child to shriek in public, but we didn't get any stares, I was just trying to figure out what prompted his vocalizations. Lo & behold, I followed his line of vision, only to see that Huggies wisely has a red octagon on the sides of the box, with "STOPS leaks" written over top. As my son pointed boldly to the diaper box, he was faster than his Mommy to realize that Huggies had included such a sign on their box. I was amazed & blown away! :)

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