Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Airplanes. Mama.

I/we survived my first separation from little man over the past weekend. I flew home to be with my family for my grandfather's funeral, and B stayed home with Daddy so as not to totally screw with his circadian rhythms after changing triple time zones twice in 48 hours. SO...how did the first separation go, many inquired??

Just fine.

I didn't sob, he didn't sob (well, after regaining his composure when they left me @ the airport), and Scott was fine! Phew!

On our way to the airport, I told B to find his stuffed airplane when he got home and to snuggle it since Mama was going away on the airplane.

Never one to slack on the parental requests, indeed, Scott found B curled up, sound asleep the second night w/ airplane affixed under his arm. SO sweet.

Since my return last night, however, and my absence tonight for a Vendor Fair for work, B saw an airplane when out for a walk with Scott, pointed to it, and said, "Mama!" while signing airplane. Will he forever think I've been scooped away by an airplane when I'm not with his person? :) Those little hardwired brains NEVER cease to amaze, though!!

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