Saturday, August 30, 2008


He manufactured this game himself...

again, things that just make me laugh. he's done this, now, a few days in a row & does it just to make me laugh. :)

New words of the day:

STUCK (after he got lodged in the kid-car grocery cart, and proceeded to holler, "STUCK, STUCK, STUCK" at the top of his lungs after I asked him if he WAS stuck...

POTTY (yes, you guessed correctly that we bought him one today to start "practicing," to which he vehemently shook his head "YES" that he wanted to buy it! :)

Friday, August 29, 2008


Very much like Auntie Meg when she was little, little B has very explicit ideas about he wants to wear...and for the last two days, it's been the duck boots. I'm the first to admit...the boots are ADORABLE, but who would really want their feet in rubber, knee-high galoshes? Apparently, my son. :) Here are a few pix of him IN the boots, but he grabbed them first thing this a.m. to wear to the babysitter' staple of the wardrobe, anyone??


Recently, he's acquiring anywhere from 1-3 words/day. It's remarkable & I would not have believed it had I not seen it with my own eyes. Among recent words added are: "step, body, duck boots, sippy", etc. One BIG addition is the reason for the title: "STOP"!!! We've been looking @ stop signs and have a little (albeit not the best pix/quality) of him practicing his recent vocab below, then more of a story afterwards!

SO...brief replications of "STOP," which, as you can imagine, makes car rides QUITE entertaining!! :) My puzzlement came, however, at CostCo yesterday, as we're in the diaper aisle and he's shrieking, "STOP! STOP!" HA ~ not exactly what you want your child to shriek in public, but we didn't get any stares, I was just trying to figure out what prompted his vocalizations. Lo & behold, I followed his line of vision, only to see that Huggies wisely has a red octagon on the sides of the box, with "STOPS leaks" written over top. As my son pointed boldly to the diaper box, he was faster than his Mommy to realize that Huggies had included such a sign on their box. I was amazed & blown away! :)

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Airplanes. Mama.

I/we survived my first separation from little man over the past weekend. I flew home to be with my family for my grandfather's funeral, and B stayed home with Daddy so as not to totally screw with his circadian rhythms after changing triple time zones twice in 48 hours. did the first separation go, many inquired??

Just fine.

I didn't sob, he didn't sob (well, after regaining his composure when they left me @ the airport), and Scott was fine! Phew!

On our way to the airport, I told B to find his stuffed airplane when he got home and to snuggle it since Mama was going away on the airplane.

Never one to slack on the parental requests, indeed, Scott found B curled up, sound asleep the second night w/ airplane affixed under his arm. SO sweet.

Since my return last night, however, and my absence tonight for a Vendor Fair for work, B saw an airplane when out for a walk with Scott, pointed to it, and said, "Mama!" while signing airplane. Will he forever think I've been scooped away by an airplane when I'm not with his person? :) Those little hardwired brains NEVER cease to amaze, though!!

Friday, August 22, 2008

Cottage Cheese & other sundry things...

I can't help it, but I just love his little chippy voice.

In case you are wondering, the two words he's saying are "doorbell" and "cottage cheese", both of which he decided to spontaneously parrot. They have since become a cornerstone in his vocabulary. For example, tonight, at dinner, "B, do you want fruit for dessert?" He whispers: "Cottg chee" but as soon as I started telling his father what KIND of fruit was in the fruit salad, he began signing, "strawberry" "grape" "watermelon" and conceded to eat the fruit instead of having a SECOND helping of "cottg CHEE" for the day! :)

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

In Memoriam...

At the time this picture was taken, Brendan was much more "subdued" if you will, and certainly not as mobile as his last visit with Great Grandpa. At our last visit in July, Great Grandpa was a LITTLE overwhelmed at the absolute level of activity and curiosity of his only great-grandchild. :)

We are all thankful that Brendan got to know his great grandpa, even if he will never fully appreciate his suspenders! He will be missed. May he rest in peace.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Fork Firsts!

I will put the video up as well, but I took an "action sequence" with the camera. Eating lunch today, I was cutting up watermelon for him, and he went, "THAT, THAT" because he wanted to use the big fork to eat...with much success!! See below for proof! :)

Monday, August 11, 2008

"I Love A Parade..."

Another video from our trip back East...thanks to his Gram, B got a lid + wooden spoon parade, much to his glee. (His father thinks it's an unholy racket & can't stand it...) SO, we got footage of the whole clamorous event, coupled w/ the persistent complaints from the canine companions!! :) Thanks Grammie!

I graduated!!!

Today was a big day for the little man...we were about to have dinner, and B was w/ Daddy, playing on the Wii for a second before he/they sat down to dinner. I sat to cut up B's food, then ran into the kitchen to grab his milk. When I came back, he was sitting in MY chair, using our regular silverware to eat his chicken! We modified it a BIT by putting him in his highchair, lowered to the table so he didn't have to use his tray, so he ate @ the table, WITH his own (little) fork, and scarfed down red bell peppers for the first time as well!!! Graduation day!

Here were his thoughts:

Big Boys Can Do Slides!

His most recent acquisition in the talent department ;) is the ability to go down slides 1) by himself and 2) frontwards!! He graduated to the 12 ft BIG slide today but here's a sneak-peek @ the little one!!!

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Yeah Jennifer!

B had a first today ~ he went to "daycare" to test the waters and will continue to go 2-3 full days a week so that I can get work done @ home and don't have to keep the house from falling in while I try to simultaneously get work done! :)

Much to our relief, he survived today with flying colors. He was at the door, hand ON door, nodding, "yes yes" because he wanted to go in. I know things were looking good from the get-go. He proceeded to run right in and join the other little ones, playing and having a great time. I was able to leave, sans tears, and came back to find a happy baby, eating raisins, who shook his head "NO" when I asked him if he wanted to go bye-bye. Hallelujah!!

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Ready for Halloween

Well, our little pumpkin-head seems to not notice that our calendar has August written on it rather than October. His most recent finding has been the Halloween books on his bookshelf. He wants to read them (and there ARE more than one!) EVERY day, and LOVES the pumpkins/jack-o-lanterns in particular. Some of you know of his fascination for specific objects (e.g. pinecones, trash cans, sprinkler heads, flags to name a few)...well, add pumpkins to the list. I'm eagerly anticipating Sept/Oct, when I can justify having the house decorated for Fall, and we'll start to see pumpkins at other houses. I can already hear the, "WHA IZ ZAAAAAAAAAAT?!!!!!!!" shriek as we walk around the block/park/neighborhood and he spots the pumpkins everywhere! :) Here we come Halloween!