Enter Curious George. :)

Who knew that at Target, they have Curious George bath bubbles, with CG himself on the top (he pops off the top of the lid), and upon opening the lid, you find a bubble WAND to blow bubbles. Well. Curious George + bath time + bubble wand = one very happy 2-yr-old. :)
By the time we got CG HOME from the store, he was begging, ABSOLUTELY BEGGING, to take a bath. "NO, B, we have to go to the park and get dirty FIRST so we can take a bath." [NOTE: Did you ever really think I'd tell my kid we had to go GET dirty?!?] Off we pranced to the park, then back again for George time.
"Brendan do dis. BRENDAN DO. BRENDAN'S TURN." Mind you, he blows bubbles, which equals wand smooshed up against baby lips. Yuck. Nevertheless ~ worse things have happened! The fun really began, though, when he decided he needed to give George a bath.
"Brendan's turn to wash George." After requesting bubbles for George, washcloth for George, etc., I told him George didn't need any more bubbles. "Umm, need some SHAMPOO!" crazy. How do you deny that request, pulled deep from his little 2-yr old brain?? :)
$3 for Curious George bubbles.
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