This post is LONG overdue, but these are our promised fun-in-the-snow pix w/ the B. A great time was had by all, in spite of the:
a) obnoxious vomiting by my husband on our 1st night, which happened to also be Valentine's Day!
b) inability to sleep on 1st night by B, and subsequent 1:15 a.m. conversations:
"Mommy. Hear somesing (something). Hear horn beep-beep, Mama."
c) no power in the entire HOTEL on our 2nd night. hooray for flashlights & open windows so we don't gas ourselves w/ the fireplace when it's 23 degrees outside.
these minor hiccups were laughable and made the trip, which included sledding AT the hotel (no need to fight the masses @ the slopes) and B's first snow, MUCH worth it!
Hooray for snow, and OMG about the poison control. Aside from the fact that I had no idea that oleawhatevers are poisonous (nor do I know what they look like), your post made me laugh hysterically (you know, after I determined that B wasn't harmed :) ).
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