As little man says, "Merry Kiss-ee-mess!" Hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas...ours was wonderful with a not-so-little man running around adding joy, wonder and assorted humor to every minute.
Brendan's Top Ten Christmas Moments:
10) The third (?) piece of candy to ever cross his lips...the much beloved candy cane which creates an alarming mess of sticky, red baby slime that he LOVES!
9) The flashlight. Need we say more?
8) Riding home from Grandma's tonight, "Brendan home right now. Brendan tired." Upon donning his new Christmas jammies and rocking for a little while, he said, "SOOO tired" and asked to be put in bed! :)
7) As we pulled open his sun-block curtains after his afternoon nap, a hummingbird was nose-to-nose at his window, looking in. I had turned my back to get him and didn't see right away 'til he declared, "Little hummingbird FLYING! HOW CUTE!"
6) "Daddy, HAVE COOKIE! DADDY! COOKIE!!!" (someone wanted a LITTLE bit of dessert!)
5) (in car): "DRUMMER SONG! HEAR SOMETHING....DRUMMER SONG!!!!" (when Little Drummer Boy came on the radio)
4) "HOW cute! New books!" (upon opening several new books)..."how cute" was uttered SEVERAL times today!
3) Opening ONE present this morning then declaring, "Dinner's ready" and promptly consuming a banana, breakfast casserole AND an orange for breakfast.
2) Talking to Grandma's cat, "Hi kitty. Come on WALK!" (the cat was busily snuggling in his cat bed)
1) Playing with the nativity scene. When prompted about what was Baby Jesus' Mommy's name?, he was reminded, "Mary" to which he piped, "Mary Christmas!"
Merry Christmas to all & to all, a good night!
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