Tuesday, September 18, 2007

To the Doc!

Good news on the health front for B ~ after a slightly concerning cough, the NP said that ears and chest were clear, no temp., so we're on the look-out for more, but it's prob. just a touch of a cold. NO worries and he was happy and squeaking all day, so I'm not worried about it!

The burning question w/ a Doc's visit, though, is always...what does he weigh in at?? Today he was 18 lbs., 9 oz., up from 16 lbs. 4 oz. on July 23rd...the boy is packing on weight! :) At that rate (averaging about 1 1/4 lbs./mo.), he should hit 20 lbs. by Oct. 24th, and be right around 22 lbs. at Christmas!

He and Daddy roughed it tonight while I was out at the EMERGE release...S said he just wanted to snuggle on his shoulder and passed out. :)

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