I'm starting to wonder if B's concept of "earning" things has become a bad thing based upon a conversation we had as he laid on the house in his yuck-fest of the last several days. Unfortunately, because he's gotten to watch WAY more "toonies" (cartoons) than usual in any given day (or week, for that matter!), B has also been exposed to many commercials. Uh-oh.
Upon watching a commercial yesterday (or maybe the day before) for something like a "rockin' robot" (?), he looked at me and said, "Momma, can I earn that?? Can I? I LIKE that Rockin' Robot! Can you get me one and I can earn it?"
We've not seen or had a discussion about it since then...
Perhaps it's good he knows that he doesn't just GET everything, and has to DO things to acquire things he wants...good 'ole hard work, even if it is potty training...
Perhaps I should be worried, however, for him to think that he can have anything he wants, as long as it's "earned"?? Given, he's not hounding me for it, bent on material possessions, for which I'm thankful...but I wonder? Should he be more encouraged to work, for work's sake, for the intangible benefits one gets from hard work and attaining one's goals???
Oh the journey of parenthood...!