Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Eat your heart out Betty, err, BOB (?) CROCKER??

After seeing Mama in the kitchen, B is at the point where he REALLY REALLY wants to help cook. SO we did. :) After mentioning blueberry pancakes, as a feeler, he told me to "follow him" and dragged me over to our pantry to remind me where the pancake mix was...on the top shelf of our TALL pantry, behind the sugar...and he pointed it right out. That began his first entre into the "culinary" world...

Aside from occasionally getting a BIT too close w/ the spatula ("Momma, need that YELLOW spatula!") because he wanted to flip the pancakes on the skillet (UMM, NO!), he did really well & fun was had by all!! :)

Our FABULOUS result:


Friday, May 22, 2009

The Resiliency of Kids...

At the beginning of the week, this is where we were...thank HEAVEN for pediatric kids' medical staff, as we got great treatment after he was admitted Sun. for the worst case of croup he's had yet. I never thought my baby would stay in one place for 24 hours straight...but he barely moved from this bed and 23 of those 24 hours, I was wrapped up with him. Poor little guy.

As you can see from the video below, taken this a.m., he IS doing better, though...we went for a check-up w/ the Dr. this a.m. to confirm the meds that he's on in hopes we don't have such a siege again, and to check up on his lungs. Aside from a nasty, lingering cough, he actually is getting his energy back along w/ his appetite, so we're encouraged...fingers crossed!!

On the Trike...

I've taken several pix of him on his little trike, courtesy of Aunt Melissa, but haven't taken video. Though he'd rather I PUSH him than actually push the pedals by himself, he CAN get it moving...we're working on it. I can't help it, though ~ he's still darn cute!! :)

Friday, May 15, 2009

We Heart Playdough!!!

Again, per Auntie M's request ~ I was going to grab the camera but then I remembered, M, and he was too darn cute to NOT document this SOMEHOW. Reasons why we LOVE playdough #418 ~ he literally was fixated on this for 30+ min. (which is saying a LOT for a 2 yr old!) and was only deterred because I NEEDED to get to the grocery store...he LOVES it, esp. w/ the cookie cutters!! FABULOUSO!


Elmo, Crafts & more...

HOW am I so behind?!?! The past few weeks have been a BLUR...but we've had fun with Elmo in our own suite, included a random pix of an Easter craft he brought home from the sitters, but loved his face & love that he does fun stuff like that!

Now we just have to figure out why he keeps heaving and we'll be good!!

Friday, May 8, 2009

By Popular Request II

Auntie M, eat your heart out...this makes me :) and he does it FREQUENTLY...the song, for context, is a Disney reference, two monkeys named Ooh and Aah who come on before his much-loved Little Einsteins...


So, by popular request, we have more video. The first 40 sec. are the ones I'd hoped to capture (his new acquisition ~ jumping w/ BOTH feet off the ground), then he was just cute & chatty so I kept rolling. Enjoy, Auntie M & thanks for the feedback!!